How to make donations to Saving Strays

Donating To Saving Suffering Strays

As a volunteer led organisation every penny you donate goes to helping save the lives of abused, abandoned and strays dogs in need.
To donate via PayPal or card (you do not need to have a PayPal account) please click the button you can find at the foot of each page. You can send a one-off donation or a recurring monthly donation. If you would like to set-up a recurring monthly donation tick the ‘Make this recurring’ box (if you are outside of the UK please select ‘Paying for Item or Service’ to avoid a fee).

Freedom Friday
Through the year we have Freedom Friday every week, a chance to donate to a special fund to help some of our long-term dogs and to help us achieve freedom for other dogs in desperate need. You can donate here.

Bank Transfer

(One-off and Monthly Standing Orders) Donations accepted in any currency. If you live in the UK our UK Bank Account details are:

Bank : Lloyds

Account name : Saving Strays

Sort code : 30-67-72

Account number : 23045962


BAN GB27 LOYD 3067 7223 0459 62

If you are donating to the Transport Appeal please reference your payment ‘HappyBus’ or for the food Appeal ‘Food’. You can donate via any other social media campaign or by downloading a standing order form here.

Gift Aid and Sponsorship

Gift Aid is vital to the survival of small charities like ourselves. If you are able to donate with gift aid please download the form below and submit so that we can claim. This will mean that your donation is worth 25% more to the dogs. Download a Gift Aid form here.

If you would like to offer one of our rescued dogs a ‘Family from Afar’ by sponsoring their monthly care please click here to meet our dogs needing lifetime care and sponsorship.

You can cast a free vote for us to win a grant here.

For further information about donating & sponsorship please contact our UK based Donation & Finance Co-ordinator Kim Powell