SAVING STRAYS ADOPTION QUESTIONNAIRE Please fill in this form and submit it to our adoptions administrator. On completion and receipt of this form a Home Check will be arranged. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date *Name of the dog you are seeking (if known)Name *FirstLastOccupation *AddressTelephone number *Email *Type of property *Are you the owner of the property *YesNoIf you are not the owner do you have the permission of the landlord to keep pets? If you answer yes you will be asked to provide written permission from your landlord prior to a home check being arranged. You may email this permission letter to *YesNoHow many adults (16+) live at the property? Selected Value: 0 Age of all the adults *Do any of the adults work? *YesNoDays/Hours worked per weekHow many children (under 16) live at the property? Selected Value: 0 What are their ages?Do the children understand that a dog requires it's own space? *YesNoIs everyone in the household happy to adopt a dog? *YesNoWill the adopted dog ever be left alone? *YesNoIf yes how many hours each day? Selected Value: 0 Have you previously owned a dog? *YesNoIf you have owned a dog please give details. (copy)Do you have a back garden? *YesNoIf you do please give details of the access to the garden.Is your garden fenced in and secure? *YesNoPlease provide details and description of the size and boundary.What is the minimum height of your garden wall/fence?Do you currently have any other dogs at the property? *YesNoIf so, please give full comprehensive details including breed, age, sex etc.If you have other dogs, have they been spayed/neutered *YesNoHow would you introduce your new dog to your resident dogs?If you have cats at the property please state how many? Selected Value: 0 If you have dogs are they all vaccinated? *YesNoIf yes please give detailsYour adopted dog will most likely not be house-trained. Are you and your family prepared to accept this? *YesNoIn the near future are you planning any major changes in your household (e.g, birth, moving home, changing work hours)? *YesNoIf no please give detailsSingle Line TextWhere would your dog sleep? Give details. *Where will your dog stay if you are away from home (holidays etc)? *Who would exercise the dog and how often? *Will you exercise your dog off lead once recall is established and it is safe to do so? *YesNoYour dog was previously a street dog and will require a settling in period to allow them to become adjusted to your routine and existing pets. This may take longer than normal due to their history. Are you willing and prepared to allow this? *YesNoYour dog may not be neutered/spayed if it is too young. It is a requirement of adoption that the animal will be neutered/spayed within 3 months of adoption and email confirmation of the procedure sent to Saving Suffering Strays. Do you accept to have this undertaken and provide the confirmation? *YesNoAre you willing to cover all veterinary costs of your adopted dog? *YesNoWill you insure your dog? *YesNoIf so who will you insure with?May we contact your current vet for a reference if required? *YesNoIf yes, please supply the name, address and telephone number & email of your vet.Most likely the dog you adopt will not have received any formal training. Are you prepared to attend positive compassionate training/socialization classes? *YesNoWhat would you do if a dog stole a prized possession and was guarding it from you – growling, etc? (Please give detailed answers and avoid any known buzzwords or single word answers) *If a dog was sitting on a chair or sofa you didn't want them to, how would you get them off? (Please give detailed answers and avoid any known buzzwords or single word answers) *What action would you take if a child grabbed at the dog and teased them, and then the dog growled at the child and walked away? Please answer the question even if you do not have children visit your home. (Please give detailed answers and avoid any know buzzwords or single word answers) *How would you teach the dog to sit? *Have you had a home check within the last 6 months? *YesNoIf yes by which organisation and on what date?What expectations do you have of a dog that you adopt? *What has made you decide to offer a home to a rescue dog? *Submit 2022-05-10